Tree of Life Recovery Homes

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

We are asking the community to support our efforts for our housing project in SW Washington. Our goal is to work with those who are coming from Incarceration, and those with addiction issues, We want to provide a stable home, a work retraining program, and faith healing. Our goal is to help our clients assimilate back into society and become productive members of our community. We cannot do this alone. Your support is very much needed ,please donate today.

Our Mission

Tree of Life Recovery Homes

Striving for each individual who enters Tree of Life Recovery Homes to rediscover their authentic selves and embrace a life of fulfillment, we aim to facilitate restoration across every aspect of your life. Through partnerships with local businesses, we endeavor to provide opportunities for retraining and cultivating new skill sets, empowering individuals on their journey towards recovery and personal transformation.

We are a Christ Centered 501C3 non-profit organization that is structured to assist individuals that have recently left incarceration, and/or have made the choice to step away from their addictions and are willing to change their lives.

What we do

He has a plan for each of our lives.

Support individuals through ministry, counseling, mentorship, housing, and retraining initiatives. Our objective is to create a secure environment that feels like “home,” a place for personal growth, and everything in between. Here, individuals can gradually rebuild and transform their lives, discovering the abundant life that Christ desires for them, while also gaining life-long social and development skills.

We want him or her to find forgiveness and experience the love and hope that can only be found in Jesus Christ.

“So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love”